📕 Node [[i don t think wikileaks is choosing their timing]]
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📄 I-don-t-think-Wikileaks-is-choosing-their-timing.md by @enki

I don’t think Wikileaks is choosing their timing.

They are a repository for leaked material. The value of the leaked material is occasionally useful as a PR strategy to get more support…

I don’t think Wikileaks is choosing their timing. They are not, and have never claimed to be, a journalistic outfit: if they were, they would assert control over their material and choose particular material to release (which they do not).

They are a repository for leaked material. The value of the leaked material is occasionally useful as a PR strategy to get more support, but they have no particular problem hosting uninteresting leaks — which is most of what they supply.

Don’t compare them to the New York Times; instead, compare them to MegaUpload.

By John Ohno on August 22, 2016.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/i-dont-think-wikileaks-is- choosing-their-timing-fe7bd0c75dd9)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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